At Dramm, we make products for professional use. To live up to that standard, sound engineering, high quality components and repeated testing is required.
Dramm performs a number of quality tests regularly when designing products and when producing products to ensure that we provide the highest quality product possible.
Valve Performance Testing
Dramm produces a number of different shut-off valves. The most important quality factor we test for is the ability to hold water.
Our shut-off testing machine can test any quarter-turn shut-off valve for leaks. Each design is given a baseline number of cycles. Throughout production, samples are tested against this baseline. Even competing valves are tested. |
Our testing slams the Waterbreaker agains concrete repeatedly. This helps us design more durable parts. This testing has resulted in the design and continual improvement of the WBPR Rings that are standard on all 1000 and 750 nozzles. |
In this test, wands are dragged at various angles for varying lengths of time across concrete. We use this test to continually improve our products. |
This test checks both the male and female thread wear on different components. Repeated threading and unthreading shows if there is undue thread wear that could result in a leak or a weak connection. |
At Dramm, we make products for professional use. To live up to that standard, sound engineering, high quality components and repeated testing is required.
Dramm performs a number of quality tests regularly when designing products and when producing products to ensure that we provide the highest quality product possible.
Valve Performance Testing
Dramm produces a number of different shut-off valves. The most important quality factor we test for is the ability to hold water.
Our shut-off testing machine can test any quarter-turn shut-off valve for leaks. Each design is given a baseline number of cycles. Throughout production, samples are tested against this baseline. Even competing valves are tested. |
Our testing slams the Waterbreaker agains concrete repeatedly. This helps us design more durable parts. This testing has resulted in the design and continual improvement of the WBPR Rings that are standard on all 1000 and 750 nozzles. |
In this test, wands are dragged at various angles for varying lengths of time across concrete. We use this test to continually improve our products. |
This test checks both the male and female thread wear on different components. Repeated threading and unthreading shows if there is undue thread wear that could result in a leak or a weak connection. |
Leaky Wand? Check Your Washers
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